dilluns, 30 d’agost del 2010

LEONARD COHEN (5): Everybody knows...

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded,
everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows that the war is over,
everybody knows the good guys lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed,
the poor stay poor, the rich get rich.
That's how it goes,
everybody knows.

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking,
everybody knows that the captain lied.
Everybody got this broken feeling
like their father or their dog just died.
Everybody talking to their pockets,
everybody wants a box of chocolates
and a long stem rose,
everybody knows.

Everybody knows that you love me baby,
everybody knows that you really do.
Everybody knows that you've been faithful,
ah give or take a night or two.
Everybody knows you've been discreet,
but there were so many people
you just had to meet without your clothes,
and everybody knows.

Everybody knows,
everybody knows.
That's how it goes,
everybody knows.

And everybody knows that it's now or never,
everybody knows that it's me or you.
And everybody knows that you live forever
ah when you've done a line or two.
Everybody knows the deal is rotten,
Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton
for your ribbons and bows,
and everybody knows.

And everybody knows that the Plague is coming,
everybody knows that it's moving fast.
Everybody knows that the naked man and woman
are just a shining artifact of the past.
Everybody knows the scene is dead,
but there's gonna be a meter on your bed
that will disclose
what everybody knows.

And everybody knows that you're in trouble,
everybody knows what you've been through,
from the bloody cross on top of Calvary
to the beach of Malibu.
Everybody knows it's coming apart,
take one last look at this Sacred Heart
before it blows
and everybody knows.

Everybody knows,
everybody knows.
That's how it goes,
everybody knows.

Tothom sap que els daus estan marcats,
tothom els llança amb els dits creuats.
Tothom sap que al guerra s’ha acabat,
tothom sap que els bons van perdre.
Tothom sap que el combat estava arreglat:
el pobre continua pobre, els rics s’enriqueixen.
Així és com va:
tothom ho sap.

Tothom sap que el vaixell s’enfonsa,
tothom sap que el capità va mentir.
Tothom té aquest a terrible sensació
que son pare o son gos acaba de morir.
Tothom parla a les seves butxaques,
tothom vol una capsa de bombons
i una rosa de tija llarga;
tothom ho sap.

Tothom sap que m’estimes, noia,
tothom sap que m’estimes de debò.
Tothom sap que em vas ser fidel -
Bé, posa o treu-n’hi una o dues nits.
Tothom sap que vas ser discreta,
Però és que van ser tants i tants
els que vas conèixer despullats,
i tothom ho sap.

Tothom ho sap,
Tothom ho sap,
així és com va:
Tothom ho sap.

Tothom sap que és ara o mai,
tothom sap que és tu o jo.
I tothom sap que viuràs per sempre
quan has fet un vers o dos.
Tothom sap que el tracte està podrit,
el vell Negre Jo continua collint cotó
per a les teves cintes i llacets;
tothom ho sap.

I tothom sap que la plaga s’apropa.
Tothom sap que la pesta avança veloç.
Tothom sap que l’home i la dona despullats
no són més que un brillant artifici del passat.
Tothom sap que l’escena està passada de moda.
Però hi haurà un comptador al teu llit
que revelarà
allò que tothom sap.

I tothom sap que tens problemes,
tothom sap pel que has passat,
des de la creu sagnant al cim del Calvari
fins a la platja de Malibú.
Tothom sap que això s’ensorrarà:
Fes una darrera ullada a aquest Sagrat Cor
Abans no esclati.
I tothom ho sap.

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